The narration notes that it is said Alexander wept when he had no more lands to conquer, but maybe there were other reasons for him to do so. Philotas is executed in the final cutscene.

It will add resources and units to the enemy team instantly if you do too well. from Empire Earth II is infamous for heavy cheating. from Empire Earth will exclusively focus on building a city of guard towers and anti-air guns, making extremely stressful for players that attempt an ground offensive. He simply takes it to it's logical conclusion and the results inspire rebellion from within his ranks.

It's averted with Grigor II himself, as he never actually diverts from the original directive given to him by the first Grigor, the complete subjugation of the Earth under Novaya Russia.In the Novaya Russia campaign, AI may not be a crapshoot for Novaya Russia, but from the start, Novaya Russia's advances in robotics prove very disastrous for every other country.If the map is big enough and with a long ceasefire at the start, it's entirely possible to swamp them with troops five or six epochs ahead ( and if aircraft are among those troops.). EE2's AI is prone to Zerg Rush with extra resources, but they never seem to get the importance of having multiple territories (which lets you field more troops, get more resources (especially gold via trade), and most importantly get tech points faster), often gaining new territory one at a time where a human player can grab several territories at once and immediately start teching up.On skirmish maps, playing on islands and ringing the island with towers is the key to keeping your base unharmed (in later eras, doing the same with Anti-Air guns to prevent helicopter drops). In EE1, the AI is very bad at amphibious invasions, often sending a single transport with no backup or attempt to clear the landing zone.

Most of the pilots (both tanks and planes) in the final eras are women. Action Girl: Molly Ryan, one of the final heroes.Action Bomb: Furies are melee cybers that blow up on death (or when ordered), damaging ground units, helicopters, planes, and even space units.This video game series provides examples of: